It's my birthday! To live another year is such a blessing. I absolutely LOVE celebrating my birthday. Like, how can you not? Looking back at the year I've had I can honestly say I am proud of the women I'm becoming. Everyday I'm evolving, learning more about myself and I can truly say...... I'm that girl.
Here's some things and such I've learned in the course of my 28 years of life.
28 Things and such:
Don't waste too much time on the negatives.
Some people are here for a reason or season.
Life is beautiful.
Stay present.
Be kind, always.
Never judge a life you never lived.
Love hard and loud.
Regret nothing.
Be proud of yourself.
It's ok to cry and show emotions.
Shit happens... It really does.
Believe in yourself.
Listen to your body.
You feed off the energy you surround yourself with.
If it was easy, everybody would have it.
28 is not old.
Being a good person goes a long way.
Do things for YOU.
Music is good for the soul.
I'm cool with not being cool.
Everybody is going through something. So don't take it personal.
Don't just chase your dreams, live in it. Be crazy about it.
Touch grass and smell the flowers.
It's ok to miss out on things.
Comparison is truly the thief of joy.
Smile more.
Trust the process.
Everything will always be ok in the end.
So Cheers to 28! I am wishing myself an abundance of love and great health. To many more years of wisdom and experiences. Be sure to buy a Glass of Lemonade product as well.